Song lyrics with words rock n roll in them
Song lyrics with words rock n roll in them

song lyrics with words rock n roll in them song lyrics with words rock n roll in them

Some people think that writing words just to fit a melodic idea makes those words meaningless, but I think the opposite is true. The melody is what makes you commit to saying shit. “For me, it’s the sound of the music I write that leads the way and helps suggest the words. Since Turner’s songs are verbally dense, most assume he writes the lyrics before the music, but that’s not always the case, he says. I had never written above the first floor, and then I wrote Suck It and See in a fifth-floor apartment, and that’s the odd one out among our albums.” Also, I couldn’t tell you how, but when I lived in New York, I think the grid system made me write differently. I’ve never written much on the road, and anything I’ve written near a body of water has always been bad as well. “I’ve never written a song in the van on the way to someplace. in a room where I don’t think anyone can hear me,” says Turner. “I wrote most of the new album in my house in L.A.

#Song lyrics with words rock n roll in them tv

But other times, it just says ‘John Lennon is a TV chef’ or something.”

song lyrics with words rock n roll in them

“I carry a notebook, and I’ll write a line down in a bar, then maybe the next day I’ll look at it and think, Ah, that’s interesting, I’ll put this in a song. “Lyrics usually come to me in the morning, in the first 15 minutes of the day, or when I’m out in the middle of the night,” says Turner. Backstage before a concert at Forest Hills Stadium last month, he explained how he does it. For the past dozen years, Arctic Monkeys songwriter Alex Turner has reigned as one of pop’s best lyricists, from his band’s early records, on which he sardonically documented after-hours pub life in Sheffield, England, to its new one, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, a concept album about a resort on the moon.

Song lyrics with words rock n roll in them